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Birth Injury and Medical Malpractice




Birth injuries can cause catastrophic injuries to the newborn and the mother.  These life-changing events place an enormous emotional and financial burden on families. Not all birth injuries are due to malpractice, but some examples of preventable medical errors that can lead to birth injury or death include:


  • Failure to adequately monitor high-risk patients.  Risk factors include advanced maternal age, high blood pressure, twins, large fetus, and previous C-section


  • Failure to timely respond to signs of fetal distress that can lead to deprivation of oxygen to the baby's brain and cause brain injury, cerebral palsy, or death


  • Failure to perform a emergency C-section when delivery is not progressing and other interventions are not working 


  • Anesthesia and medication errors that can cause catastrophic injury


  • Lack of vigilance in immediate post-delivery care


If your child suffered a birth injury that you believe could have been prevented,  contact Bill Maddix, your Minnesota medical malpractice attorney, for a free consultation. 


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For Free Consultation:




Call (612) 418-0263


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