Cruise Ship Owners No Longer Immune from Medical Malpractice Claims
The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit recently ruled that cruise ship owners can be held vicariouly liabile for...

Medicare Cites 12 Minnesota Hospitals for High Rate of Hospital-Acquired Infections and Bed Sores
Medicare will penalize 12 Minnesota hospitals for having an unacceptably high rate of patients with hospital-acquired infections, bed...

NEJM: Medical Malpractice Reform Has No Impact on Cost of Patient Care in Emergency Room
Tort reform advocates argue that fear of lawsuits drive up the cost of emergency room care by prompting doctors to order unnecessary and...

Appeal Filed in Wisconsin to Test Constitutionality of Medical Malpractice Cap on Damages
Earlier in 2014, a Milwaukee County jury awarded nearly $25 million to Ascaris Mayo, a 53-year old mother of four who lost all four limbs...

Unsterilized Instruments Used at Minneapolis Hospitals
In November 2014, KARE 11 News reported that 100 patients of the University of Minnesota Medical Center Colon and Rectal Clinic had been...

Hospitals May be Hazardous to Your Health
Minnesota has one of the finer healthcare systems in the United States, but it has not been immune from the preventable medical mistakes...